IVF treatment in South Korea information sheet

IVF treatment in South Korea information sheet

IVF treatment in South Korea

What do I need to do or prepare for my IVF treatment in South Korea? What are the steps or procedures to follow? How long does it take? How much is the IVF treatment in South Korea? All these questions are common inquiries people have while looking for IVF treatment options.

Here we want to summarize the process and give you a few tips on how to proceed with your IVF treatment in South Korea:

FAQ IVF in South Korea:

What should I do to start my IVF treatment in South Korea?

As a first step, please fill out this request form: IVF procedure form.

This form will help our medical coordinators understand your case. We will be able to provide more information and assign you to the right doctor/clinic. While filling the form out, please be as accurate as possible. Please attach all your medical records, including your husband’s medical history.

By law, in South Korea, foreigners have to present their marriage certificate to be candidates for IVF.

Once we receive the doctor’s assessment and gather all the necessary papers, we’ll go back to you with all the necessary information to start your trip to South Korea.

What is the approximate budget and time I need for IVF?

IVF protocols in South Korea start from $4,500 USD to $9,500 USD approx. (including medicines and tests). Price varies according to your and your husband’s health condition, protocol recommended and optional tests (PGD, PGS, etc.)

Your period of stay in South Korea will also depend on the type of protocol you are assigned to. The long protocol takes up to 24 days. The short protocol requires at least 2 weeks. If you wish to have your pregnancy test in South Korea, you’ll need to add 10 more days to your protocol.

How is IVF done step by step?

Please follow the next chart to understand how is IVF done in South Korea. Note that every case varies according to the health condition fo the person.**

a) Hospital 1st visit
b) Medical tests
c) Start stimulation
d) Ovulation ultrasound
e) Trigger shot (35 hrs before retrieval)
f) Oocyte & sperm retrieval
g) Embryo transfer
h) 1st blood test
i) 2nd blood test
How is IVF done step by step

On the chart I see two main stages: stimulation and IVF/embryo culture, does the price include both of them?

Yes, the price includes the whole cycle. It is recommendable to think about the total AVERAGE price, because each procedure might be a bit different, depending on individual factors.

What does “trigger shot” mean?

The purpose of the trigger shot in IVF treatment is to send eggs into a reproductive division known as meiosis.

How many embryos does the hospital transfer at once?

It depends on your age and the condition of the embryos. If the doctor allows it, you can have multiple embryos transferred at once.

If my first round was unsuccessful and I want to try with another embryo that was collected during the initial round, how much would the embryo transfer be for any subsequent rounds?

It will be difficult to calculate the exact price, but if you have your embryos (and their condition is good) then surgery costs such as egg retrieval, cultivation, etc., will be excluded.

When should I arrive to South Korea?

As you now know, your IVF process will start at the 1st day of your cycle. Therefore, we recommend you to be in Seoul at least two days before the start of your cycle. During those 2 days, we will help you adapt to your accommodation and surroundings, guide you with food supplies and transportation.

What services do you offer for IVF candidates/patients in South Korea?

• All types of accommodation: hotels, short and long stay residences and studios.
• Concierge service (airport pick up, hotel check in and hospital registration)
• Free translation at medical centers
• Free mobile line
• One-on-one medical coordinator
• Follow up services
• Full privacy

What is the cost for Medical Avenue’s services as liaison for this procedure?

We are an official Korean medical tourism facilitator and partner with clinics in South Korea directly. Therefore, we do NOT charge clients separately. The price going directly to the clinic or through us, BY LAW, is the same.

Do you have some tips or additional information before going through IVF in South Korea?

a) Consult with your physician before starting IVF. There are many factors to consider before taking the first step into IVF.
b) Keep in mind that semen analyses are necessary. Male tests.
c) It is recommendable for women to take folic acid (1 mg) and Omega 3 before.
d) Relax and be patient. During the treatment there are lots of tests and waiting periods!
e) Please do not do manicure and/or pedicure before your treatment.
f) Support your couple all the time.

Click here to read about: “More options for infertility treatment in South Korea.”

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